Welcome to That's Cool

If you are the type of person who is always looking for something new and different, we believe this blog was made for you. We work with many manufacturers, service organizations, and hobbyist across the United States and am always surprised what I find. Items developed from a hobby, technology discovered by accident or a persons life mission. We thought it would be fun to capture these findings and share them with like minded people. 

We are just starting out and welcome your ideas! Please keep in mind we have an editorial review process, meaning not everything submitted to us will make it to this blog. We have established some guidelines to keep this blog genuine, real and most importantly a place to share cool and inspiring ideas, products, services and innovations.


Articles may be submitted to our editor: nealr@mfgpa.org

Articles should be between 300-500 words and be pasted into the body of the email. 

The articles should provide value to our readers, you are free to mention your company in the article, but they should not be outright advertisements or direct sales pitches. 1) Just tell us about what it is and what makes it cool and worthy of the readers attention.

We do encourage images but ask that you do not attach them to the email because of potential spam and or viruses. Instead, simply send us a URL (web address) where you have the image posted online. Images are limited to 2 per article unless you can provide an exceptional case for adding more in your email. Images should be high resolution and you must have the copywrite or ownership of the images. We cannot accept stock photos or images copied from other websites. By submitting a photo/image URL you are accepting responsibility of ownership of the images.

Please provide your name as the author, your title or position, and your company or organizations name. We will provide a link to the website associated with the article. Below the article please provide your name, organization, and phone number. We will confirm all submissions via email and or text.

Finally we ask that you limit your submissions to one every 3 months. Violating this policy will ban you from future submitted articles. It may take between 4-5 weeks for your article to be posted. Please check back to see when you article has been posted and remember to click on the upvote button to help the articles popularity.

Thanks you your help, We hope you enjoy the blog and look forward to seeing your ideas, submissions and  suggestions.

Thanks, Your Friends at That's Cool