Starting Seeds with an Organic and Renewable Seed Starter

Nature’s Perfect Organic Seed Starter

Whether for a professional nursery or your back yard garden, you should not have to risk that your seeds won’t germinate successfully. Different seeds have varying germination rates, and most seed starters cannot perform on all types of seeds.

Most of the commercial seed starters available today are peat-based. In fact, many of them are upwards of 90 percent peat moss with some other non-organic soil loosening ingredients, such as perlite. Not all peat mosses are alike. Peat is merely decomposed plant matter, but it does matter what plant are used to form the peat. Sphagnum peat is the decomposed sphagnum plant, a high-water retentive plant free from bacteria. Sphagnum peat moss can provide a good base for germinating plants, but like all peats it generally lacks the correct water retentive properties that all seeds require.

Seed starters should be organic and renewable.

Peat mosses is generally organic, if they meet the government standards for organic, but none of them are renewable. Once dug from the earth, they are gone forever. Why not start with the sphagnum plant? It is organic, holds lots of water and is free of bacteria, all good attributes of a quality seed starter. What’s more it is renewable! Every year the Mosser Lee Company harvests this unique plant in its Wisconsin marshes, leaving enough to regenerate another crop in subsequent years. In fact, their long fibered sphagnum moss Wisconsin marshes have been harvested for over 150 years. That’s renewable!

The long fiber sphagnum moss is milled to a course grind to make it easier to start seeds. It has been recommended by professionals as the only completely renewable seed starter.  Mosser Lee calls it organic seed starter, NoDampOff™ The Ultimate in Seed Starting™ It gives seeds the best chance of achieving the highest seed germination rate available. 

Author: David L Epstein, CEO, The Mosser Lee Company |